Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Greensboro: Desperately Netflixing Porn

Rick lives in Greensboro. I do not. Therefore, I'm entitled to stand on my moral high-ground.

Greensboro, Greensboro, Greensboro! I am shocked, awed, and blushing at my recent findings. There's a feature on Netflix called "Local Favorites" (unfortunately, this won't be a proper blog post as I can't link to it directly) where users can view popular rentals from certain zip codes. It says right at the very top Members in and around Greensboro, NC are currently renting these titles much more than other Netflix members and Caligula comes in at #21 (out of twenty-five)! We're not talking about the tamer, R-rated version. Oh no. We're talking about the raunchier, kinkier NR version! Not that this lily-white Netflix member has ever actually viewed just how dirty it is...

Clearly, this was quite a surprise to see in the Bible Belt. And I can actually respect your city's obvious efforts to send Netflix a message: Greensboro wants real porn! Offer up X-rated flicks! I now have a newfound respect for you horn-balls in Greensboro.

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