Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Sen. Allran: "State employees are too lazy!"

I had two very powerful fits of laughter today. One fell in that "dark humor" sort of vein; the other falls in that "look at the doofus act funny" sort of vein. While I'm sure both are being addressed in their respective venues, I find it easier to comment on the latter as I speak as a state employee. I can't vouch for the DMV folks, but my office takes the term inefficiency to new levels. Seriously, we have weekly solitaire tournaments! I like Sen. Allran's idea. I think my office really needs to just hunt down new work, you know? Make itself busy. Like, when we're not at a peak-time I really think we should re-file all of our files and organize our trash. Oh wait! We do that already. No, but seriously I'm coming home with valuable life's-blood and spirit coursing through my veins. Somehow my job hasn't found a way to drain me completely, there must be a problem somewhere...

1 comment:

Billy Jones said...

You know, most people don't mind working as long as they feel the work is challenging but not overwhelming. It's my belief that lazy employees are usually caused by bad bosses.