Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Am I back?

Mayhaps. That's the best I can muster right now. I'm looking around at what I've done to this place and I see where it needs some polish over there, some dusting over here. Question is, do I even really care enough to get back to work on it?

Funny thing, I started a new blog and while I was hammering out that one post I was marveling at all the nifty time-saving changes Blogger has made since I last logged in. Blogger doesn't really require me to be even marginally-versed in HTML anymore. I like that. But, of course, when I'm given the option to update this blog to get those nifty time-saving features I lost all the HTML customizing I spent hours writing in! Nice, huh? No warning. No nothing. No little pop-up that says "Hey dummy, if you hit the Yes-button right now you'll lose your Media Matters feed, you'll lose your Pandora Radio box, you'll lose your SiteMeter icon, etc. etc. etc." I guess the lesson here is nothing is for free, right?

So Satori in Stereo has lost some of its ornamenation and, frankly, you won't know anything until you've lost everything. Maybe the more spartan-look is more my speed? What was the Media Matters box doing for SiS anyway? I'm sure their site gets plenty of hits without me linking to them. Which is pretty much a summation about the other links that use to adorn my Blog Rollin' section; they're doing fine without me. SiteMeter tells me SiS got 4 visits last week. [sarcasm]If the folks who used to be on my blog roll suddenly notice a dip in their activity because I'm no longer linking to them[/sarcasm], feel free to post a comment here and I'll re-add you!

I can tell you one thing. I can tell you that if I decide to return this place isn't going to be what it used to be: Hyperlinks to the latest nifty thing I stumbled onto buried amongst wry attempts at Holden Caulfield-esque banter. This blog started on a whim with only the vaugest of ideas of what it was going to end up being. I'm not saying that I regret anything from the past, I'm just saying that I think ducking and rolling with the punches shaped this place more than anything else. Now that I've been away, now that I've got some distance and perspective, I realize there are probably other ways to arrive at this place right before I hit the New Post-button. We'll see...

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