Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Ann Coulter=Evil Barbie; Michell Malkin=Evil Skipper

For those who don't know, Malkin may have finally stepped out of Ann's shadow and sunk to all new lows of punditry sleaziness. She posted the contact information of an antiwar student organization on the campus of US Santa Cruz. Here are just a sample of the spite and death threats that have now slammed the students.

Once again, Keith Olberman puts things ten-times more succiently than I can hope to do in WMP and in QT. (via Crooks & Liars)

Malkin is employed by Creators Syndicate. Their email is info@creators.com. Their fax number is 310-337-7625. Perhaps her employers are unaware of Malkin's malicious, unprofessional, unethical behavior? Perhaps we may want to bring them up to speed on the kind of less-than-human currently under their employ?

(In the interest of full disclosure, this post's title is unabashedly swiped from Marget Cho.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey. I finally got around to getting an RSS reader and thought you would be proud to discover that I've got you RSS'ed along with the likes of the BBC, CNN, EPSN, Slate Magazine and News of the Weird. Actually, NOTW doesn't have an RSS feed, but if they did, I'd subscribe. It's also hard to find anRSS feed from any of the local news outlets. What's up with that, Wilmington? Get with the times!

By the by, I'll be updating
my site very soon to more of a blog style, and it will also be RSS enabled.