Saturday, May 07, 2005

RNC spokesman Brian Jones' reaction...

to Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid calling Dubbya "a loser" went along the reactionary, catty lines of "a sad development but not surprising from the leader of a party devoid of optimism, ideas or solutions to the issues people care about most." It is then reported that Reid chuckled with all the other RNC planted "reporters" at the press conference, but then quickly added: "Oh, well except for that whole Terri Schiavo thing. Apparently my party didn't really have it's finger on the pulse of the nation on that one. We thought it was one of those issues we think people really care about most, and...well...I guess we really don't have a very optimistic outlook on social security. Sorta funny how I call them the pessimistic party, yet we're the ones question?"

Jones could've said "No comment". Nope. Not when you can pass on an opportunity to sink to the opposition's level. Good to see political mudslinging from the White House doesn't really grow any older than political mudslinging you find in a university newspaper.

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