Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Al spoils Alone in the Dark

This was, hands down, just a piece of the most insightful review of this movie I could find:

As to the film, it is never a good sign when your story takes 10 paragraphs of narration before the movie even starts just to set up the premise. Had they just listed all the other movies they were ripping off, I would have had a better grasp of what they were going for.

I will add:

Christian Slater reprises his role in Heathers sans everything you liked about Heathers, unless what you liked about Heathers was the big 45 Magnum he carries and/or the dark, brooding trench coat wardrobe. Watch this movie if only to see the Dorffinator stupidly sacrafice himself at the end. No, not necessarily worth the entire price of admission. But its always good to see Dorff die.

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