Monday, January 31, 2005

Things I've seen so far today

The continuing adventures of Haggard and Wired. Don't miss the "comments" as Captain Hassle continues on his way towards a heart attack.

A good review of a movie starring Pauly Shore???

Oh lookey here! I guess Lil'Anne was right, there really are pro-Bushite students in the classroom who are too scared to speak openly! Good thing blogs are available to all, huh? Now all the seethingly "silent minority" can finally have a forum to get their kicks in (or, as Nikki proves, live vicariously and get their kicks through those who dare to be more vocal). And this one has a noteworthy sense of humor to boot. I mean if you're juvenile enough to think that "No rebuttal" from a high-brow crack like "Oh, shut up!" falls in the "classic" category, we welcome you to the Discourse!

In February: Three College Observatory will be open to the public.

(The following was taken from the January 19th edition of the Campus Weekly.)
Demolition of the Spring Garden Street Apartments is expected to begin in May, making room for UNCG's newest 400-bed resident hall. They want it opened for fall 2006, but will have to put it off until fall 2007 because they can't afford to open it mid-year without full occupancy.

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