Sunday, January 30, 2005

Taking requests

Spread the word, my peeps! Let it be known! I am here, I am here, and not only am I it says on the banner-over-head, I'm taking requests. Its just another futile attempt on my part to be that rock-star I've always wanted to be. So give it to me from both barrels, true believers, I've got enough flak in the jacket for allya!

I had the distinguished glee to catch the Pixes on Austin City Limits last night. I taped it everything. I'm not sure why. As soon as I tape anything, that's usually the last time I watch it. So at the very least I can say it wasn't difficult to find something among my dust-covered collection to tape over..."but hey", I went and hit the buttons 'cause it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. That, and as I continued watching Charles/Frank, Kim, Joey, and Dave "go through the motions" it didn't seem like a stretch to imagine this little reunion would be pretty much just that: little. But don't do go and scold me like I'm a hater or something! Other than the fact that (like the other guy who posts here) I'm slightly miffed they haven't brought their "little reunion tour" through the Carolinas, I'm truly greatful to bear witness to "Velouria" and "Tame" and "Vamos" and "Monkey Gone to Heaven" and all those other disturbing little Pixie-dusted razor blades of goodness.

The wintery mix rocked me. I was sitting there, distracted by online porn one minute, gawking wide-eyed at the sizable precipitation the next. And so there I am, captivated, and my mind immediately goes into Doom Mode. Like, "There's no leaving the house now. No driving today; hell, you may as well right-off tomorrow too." I mean I realize what I'm doing, its not like I started getting out-of-control or anything. I just gave up. I tipped another shot 'o whiskey in my coffee and gave in to the blizzard of '05.

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