I was born thirty years ago today. That is all I will say about that because that usually elicits a scoff or a laugh or a titter or something from the audience I am informing. Yes...30 years old today...yes...
Anyway, on to better things--which I'm really trying to make my mantra as of late. Annie and I have been hit with so much crap this month, I'm trying to use my birthday as a springboard into a better direction. Which includes blogging. The winds have been knocked out of my sails and it shows painfully in my current post-rate. What, two posts in over two weeks? Pretty shabby if I do say so myself. Well, no more excuses. I know the feeling I've got: deflated, lathargic, sealing up invitations to my upcoming pity party. I recognize this feeling from my e-fedding days, and back then I had all sorts of other excuses I could fall back on to pass the blame. But now I'm doing my own show and I can only blame myself (Well, I can blame Mr. Redman if I wanted. I mean its been, like, two weeks for me...two months for him. But I realize blaming Al doesn't get me what blaming others used to get me. And that's largely because he's such a shmuck.) and my 30 year-old ass ain't goin' out like that.
Happy birthday Rick. You sure don't look 30. Geez...when you're as old as I am, you can complain. LOL
Happy belated birthday, Rick.
When I turned 21, my valid ID was turned down several times. When I was 30, most did not believe it. Now, at 38 and graying at a rapid rate, everyone believes it.
Enjoy it while you can.
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